New scholarship on religion and society in South Asia, engaging with the history of Christianity and the Jesuits.
We currently do not index journal articles and other sources due to time constraints.
Invitation and Belonging in a Christian Ashram: Building Interreligious Community in Northern India
BOOK | Invitation and Belonging in a Christian Ashram: Building Interreligious Community in Northern India | Nadya Pohran
Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy: Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age
BOOK | Being a Jesuit in Renaissance Italy: Biographical Writing in the Early Global Age | Camilla Russell
Teatros Hagiográficos: Santos, Mestres e Peregrinos
SEMINAR | Teatros Hagiográficos: Santos, Mestres e Peregrinos | 6 April 2022
The Goa Inquisition: New Perspectives on the State and Religious Violence
SEMINAR | The Goa Inquisition: New Perspectives on the State and Religious Violence | 13 March 2022
Imaging Jesuit Sanctity
SEMINAR | Imaging Jesuit Sanctity | 11-12 March 2022
The Disinherited: Christianity and Conversion in Calcutta in the 19th Century
SEMINAR | The Disinherited: Christianity and Conversion in Calcutta in the 19th Century | Mou Banerjee
The Jesuits: A History
BOOK | The Jesuits: A History | Markus Friedrich
Religion and Empire in Portuguese India: Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa
BOOK | Religion and Empire in Portuguese India: Conversion, Resistance, and the Making of Goa | Ângela Barreto Xavier
Missionaries and Modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910
BOOK | Missionaries and Modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910 | Felicity Jensz
Unsuccessful ‘Saints’ of the Society of Jesus: Antonio Criminali and Leonard Lessius (16th-20th centuries)
SEMINAR | Unsuccessful ‘Saints’ of the Society of Jesus: Antonio Criminali and Leonard Lessius (16th-20th centuries) | 28 January 2022
Religion and Governance in England’s Emerging Colonial Empire, 1601–1698
BOOK | Religion and Governance in England’s Emerging Colonial Empire, 1601–1698 | Haig Z. Smith