Read more about the article Adeus Romuald. There is still so much more to do.
Adeus Romuald. There is still so much more to do.

Adeus Romuald. There is still so much more to do.

Romuald D’Souza SJ (1925-2019) was among the finest Jesuit educationists from Goa. Awarded the Padma Shri in 2010 for his contribution to education, Romuald had distinguished himself in the field of business management education first at the XLRI, Jamshedpur and later by founding two premier business schools: XIM, Bhubaneshwar and GIM, Goa. In his tribute to Romuald, Rinald D’Souza SJ contends how Romuald deployed his own spiritual heritage to influence his brand of business management education.

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Read more about the article Final Vows: Jesuitspeak for Availability and Mission
Final Vows: Jesuitspeak for Availability and Mission

Final Vows: Jesuitspeak for Availability and Mission

The path to the final vows within the Society of Jesus can be a protracted journey as outlined by its Institute. Rinald D’Souza articulates how these final vows — which include a fourth vow of special obedience to the Pope with regard to the missions — are in fact a manifestation of a Jesuit’s availability for mission.

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Contemplating Film: Making my first prints

At a time when digital photography has not only normalised a new mode of photography but also democratised its production, digital images now appear everywhere — to such an extent, that we’ve failed to stop and see. In these times, analogue photograph enables us to recapture the aura of the image as we led to contemplate the image in our silence.

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