Read more about the article Missionary Education: Historical Approaches and Global Perspectives
Missionary Education: Historical Approaches and Global Perspectives | Kim Christiaens, Idesbald Goddeeris and Pieter Verstraete (editors)

Missionary Education: Historical Approaches and Global Perspectives

BOOK | Missionary Education: Historical Approaches and Global Perspectives | Kim Christiaens, Idesbald Goddeeris and Pieter Verstraete (editors)

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Read more about the article Claiming back our Climate
Climate Change | Wij Dromen Meer Bomen | Claiming the Climate

Claiming back our Climate

Claim the Climate was the largest ever mobilisation for climate in Belgium, as over 65,000 people marched through Brussels voicing their support for an ambitious climate plan. Rinald D’Souza joined the Critical Mass from Leuven as he expressed his solidarity with his host country and our common struggle for sustainable climate solutions.

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Contemplating Film: Making my first prints

At a time when digital photography has not only normalised a new mode of photography but also democratised its production, digital images now appear everywhere — to such an extent, that we’ve failed to stop and see. In these times, analogue photograph enables us to recapture the aura of the image as we led to contemplate the image in our silence.

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