The Archives of the French Jesuits: Sources for writing history
SEMINAR | The Archives of the French Jesuits: Sources for writing history | Barbara Baudry
SEMINAR | The Archives of the French Jesuits: Sources for writing history | Barbara Baudry
If Christmas indeed celebrates the birth and coming of Jesus, one might probably need to investigate the purpose of his coming: for “the lost sheep of Israel” — the marginalised of society. But what could lost sheep inform us about our Christmas, our lives and our histories? A reflection for Christmas.
While the announcement of the opening of the Vatican Archives of Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) was welcome by researchers, what has remained in focus is a debate regarding the role of the Pope and the Holocaust. However, the Archives should reveal a much broader narrative as the period of this papacy was also at the centre of a shifting global Christianity and its rapid indigenisation.