Writings by Rinald D’Souza on religion, society and the arts.
Walking the Camino Ignaciano
The Camino Ignaciano is an Ignatian pilgrimage that recreates the sixteenth-century historical route (1522) of Ignatius of Loyola from his hometown in Azpeitia to the cave in Manresa where he underwent a transformative experience and wrote his classic, The Spiritual Exercises. Rinald D’Souza SJ reflects on his experience of walking the Camino.
The University as Proyecto Social
Jesuit education is as old as the Jesuits. But what makes it distinctive in its present global contexts? Father Arturso Sosa’s address at the IAJU, “The University as a Source of Reconciled Life”, invites Jesuits to reimagine the Jesuit university as a project of social transformation. We explore some key ideas behind Sosa’s address.