A Companion to the Early Modern Catholic Global Missions

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A Companion to the Early Modern Catholic Global Missions | Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia (editor)

A Companion to the Early Modern Catholic Global Missions

Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia

Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, 80


January 2018


x, 488 pages


A survey of the latest scholarship on Catholic missions between the 16th and 18th centuries, this collection of fourteen essays by historians from eight countries offers not only a global view of the organization, finances, personnel, and history of Catholic missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia, but also the complex political, cultural, and religious contexts of the missionary fields.

The conquests and colonization of the Americas presented a different stage for the drama of evangelization in contrast to that of Africa and Asia: the inhospitable landscape of Africa, the implacable Islamic societies of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires, and the self-assured regimes of Ming-Qing China, Nguyen dynasty Vietnam, and Tokugawa Japan.

R. Po-chia Hsia, Ph.D (Yale, 1982) is Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of History and Asian Studies at Penn State University and Academician at the Academia Sinica, Taipei. Among his numerous publications is A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610 (Oxford, 2010), which has been translated into Italian and Chinese.

Notes on Contributors

Catholic Global Missions and the Expansion of Europe

Part I. The Americas

1 Missionizing Mexico: Ecclesiastics, Natives, and the Spread of Christianity
Mark Christensen

2 The Andes
Aliocha Maldavsky

3 The Missions of Paraguay: Rise, Expansion and Fall
Guillermo Wilde

4 Early Modern Catholic Missions in Brazil: The Challenge of the Outsiders
Anne McGuiness

5 New France
Dominique Deslandres

Part II. Africa

6 Catholic Missions and Local Rulers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Alan Strathern

Part III. Islamic World

7 Missionaries and French Subjects: The Jesuits in the Ottoman Empire
Adina Ruiu

8 Ambiguous Belongings: How Catholic Missionaries in Persia and the Roman Curia Dealt with Communicatio in Sacris
Christian Windler

Part IV. Asia

9 India
Ines Zupanov

10 Missions in Vietnam
Tara Alberts

11 The Christian Missions in Japan in the Early Modern Period
M. Antoni and J. Ucerler

12 Imperial China and the Christian Mission
R. Po-chia Hsia

Part V. The Structures

13 Finances of the Missions
Fred Vermote

14 Missionaries: Who were They
Christoph Nebgen



“indispensable for early modern historians, global historians and scholars of religious history alike.”
David Onnekink, Utrecht University, in: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 70.2 (April 2019), pp. 363-365

“Aiming and succeeding at being an all-encompassing companion to the early modern Catholic global missions, this collection of essays is a relevant and valuable book to help us better understand this theme in a holistic way.”
Alexandra CurveloUniversidade nova de Lisboa, in: Journal of Jesuit Studies 6.1 (March 2019), pp. 166-169

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